Thursday, April 18, 2013

Barcelona City Museum - History Class

For History Class I had to go to the City Museum of Barcelona and look at the Roman Architecture that was their long before Guadi was even a thought in someones mind.  It was actually really interesting because I got to see the original foundations of what Barcelona was and how the Romans built their cities. While I was also by the museum, I went to the Cathedral, which was amazing because you could go on the roof and just relax and take pictures. That was probably my favorite part about the cathedral. 

 For the Field Assignment I had to look at the original foundation that was their during the Roman times and compare it with modern Catalan architecture. What is so insane is that randomly throughout the city, specifically in the Gothic Quarter, Roman architecture is still prevalent as seen above with a part of the Roman wall (Right) and Column (Left)

Another intersting part of the Roman section was the Roman sewage system, which seemed pretty advanced for the time period. The pictures above show two examples of what the sewage system looked like and were pretty much drains that look like the ones we have today. 

 The two pictures above are examples of everyday items that people would use in their households. The first is detergent and bleach, which would be used in the laundry mats. The Laundry mats were so interesting and it was amazing to me that they existed over a 1000 years ago. The picture below that is perfume bottles, which were used exactly like perfume is used today, to make people smell good.

These two pictures above are religiously based pictures. The one to the left are columns from an original Church, when the Roman Empire was first becoming associated with Christianity. The picture to the right is a funeral head that was used in ancient times as a burial statue for a tomb if someone was to pass.

This last picture is probably one of the most interesting things about the tour. This is a picture of the wine cellar of a Winery that was used in Roman times. It shows just how important wine was thousands of years ago, just like it is today. Wine is still made in this regions of 100s of centuries.

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